folamil genio

COMPOSITION / CONTENTEach soft capsule contains Folamil Genio:Folic acid (folic acid) ... 1 mg10,000 IU of beta carotene ...Vitamin B1 ... 3 mgVitmain B2 ... 3.4 mgNicotinamide ... 20 mg2 mg of vitamin B6 ...Calcium D-pantothenate ... 7.5 mg100 mg calcium carbonate ...4 mcg of vitamin B12 ...400 IU of vitamin D3 ...Vitamin K1 ... 50 mcg... Biotin 30 mcgCopper gluconate ... 0.1 mgIron polymaltose complex (IPC) ... 30 mgDHA (docahexaenoic acid) from the algae ... 40 mgARA (arachidonic acid) ... 8 mg
PHARMACOLOGY (HOW DRUGS)Folamil Genio is a supplement containing DHA, multivitamins and minerals needed by pregnant and lactating women. In pregnant women, DHA and ARA has the main function for the development of the fetal nervous system and encourage the development of the fetal brain. As a food supplement for pregnant and lactating women, Folamil Genio helps to meet the needs of vitamins and minerals for babies. Supplemental multivitamins and minerals are needed because of the increased need, insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals or failure of absorption of food.Folic acid lowers the risk of neural tube defect. Folate coenzyme plays an important role in DNA metabolism.Beta carotene has antioxidant activity.Vitamin B1 plays an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, the main energy source of our cells.Vitamin B2 is important for energy and tissue repair. Riboflavin can also work together with iron to iron deficiency anemia.Nicotinamide is involved produce energy, the synthesis of fatty acids, cholesterol and steroids, signal transduction.Vitamin B6 is needed by the body to convert iron into hemoglobin, and produce red blood cells.Calcium is useful for maintaining healthy bones, strong. Calcium is involved in blood clotting and the transmission of nerve impulses. Calcium helps the absorption of many nutrients, especially vitamin B12.Vitamin B12 is needed by the body for SINTESI nucleoprotein and myelin, cell reproduction and maintaining erythropoiesis. Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the formation of blood; Vitamin B12 is needed to form red blood cells in the bone marrow.Vitamin D3 is essential for calcium absorption from the stomach and for the functioning of calcium in the body, can be beneficial for the baby, helps bone formation.Vitamin K1 has a hemostatic activity and also has antiosteoporosis and antioxidant activity.Biotin is needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Biotin has antioxidant activity.Copper has antioxidant activity. Copper helps our body to absorb and use iron to synthesize hemoglobin. Copper has a role to maintain the integrity of myelin.Iron polymaltose complex used as a source of iron for iron deficiency anemia.DHA is a major essential fatty acid in the human brain. DHA is vital for fetal and infant brain development.ARA are polyunsaturated fatty acids that exist in phopholipid of cell membranes of the body, and very high levels in the brain.
INDICATIONS / USEFolamil Genio used as multivitamins and minerals during pregnancy and lactation containing DHA for brain food.CONTRAINDICATIONFolamil Genio is contraindicated for patients who are hypersensitive or allergic to any components of the product.DOSAGE AND RULES FOR USEPregnant and lactating women: 1 softgel per day after meals.SIDE EFFECTSNo complaints of serious adverse effects on the use of soft capsules Folamil Genio the usual recommended dosage.WARNING AND CAUTIONPregnant and nursing women should avoid using Folamil Genio at doses higher than the recommended dose.Vitamin D should not be used in patients with hypercalcemia and toxicity of vitamin D.Copper supplements should not be used in patients with wilson's disease, a disease caused by an abnormal accumulation of copper, whereas patients with chronic heart failure and chronic renal failure should be cautious in the use of copper supplements.Calcium supplements should not be used in patients with hypercalcemia (a condition that can cause hypercalcemia include sarcoidosis, hyperparathyroidism, hipervitaminosis, and cancer).Iron supplements should not be used in patients with iron overload, chronic polyarthritis, bronchial asthma, kidney complaints in the acute phase of infection, hyperparathyroidism uncompensated, infectious hepatitis, and during the first trimester of pregnancy.Beta carotene should be used with caution in patients with impaired renal or hepatic function because safe use of these drugs in these conditions does not exist.Riboflavin absorption is increased in hypothyroidism and decreased in hyperthyroidism.Vitamin B12 should not be used in patients with Leber's optic atrophy (congenital abnormalities associated with chronic cyanide intoxication, for example, from cigarette smoke). Decreased levels of vitamin B12 are associated with a reduced ability to detoxify cyanide in individuals exposed and vitamin B12 increases the risk of irreversible nerve damage from optic atrophy in patients affected by the disorder.PACKAGINGFolamil Genio, Box, @ 30 soft capsules.DESCRIPTIONStore in a cool dry place, protected from light. Keep out of reach of CHILDREN.Produced by: PT. Nova Chemie Main, For-Dexa Medica.

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